Equipment Disposition

There are several advantages to using MST & Associates as your medical disposition provider. We are an industry leader in this field and have been performing this duty for 392 hospitals across the east coast for 23 years. Our mission is to make the process as simplistic and sustainable as possible for the facilities that we have under contract. Several reasons to consider us for this service include:

  1. Proper Disposal:  MSt & Associates ensures that outdated or defective medical equipment is disposed of properly and in compliance with regulations. The disposal process may involve recycling, repurposing, or environmentally responsible disposal methods. This helps hospitals avoid potential fines or legal issues associated with improper disposal.
  2. Space Optimization:  Hospitals often face space constraints, and unused or obsolete equipment can take up valuable space. MST & Associates can help hospitals free up space by removing and disposing of equipment that is no longer needed. This allow hospitals to optimize their facility layout and make room for more essential equipment and services.
  3. Cost Savings: Holding onto unused or outdated equipment can result in ongoing storage and maintenance costs. Disposing of equipment outside of a disposition service can be costly as well. MST & Associates can help hospitals reduce these cost by efficiently removing and disposing of equipment that is no longer in use. We can provide options such as resale or trade-in, allowing hospitals to recoup some of the investment.
  4. Compliance and Risk Mitigation:  MST & Associates helps hospitals comply with regulatory requirements by removing equipment that has not been properly maintenance or repaired. This helps hospitals navigate complex regulations and ensure that all necessary documentation is in place. Proper disposal also minimizes the risk of unauthorized access to sensitive patient information stored in equipment, reducing the potential for data breaches or privacy violations.
  5. Ethical and Social Responsibility:  Proper equipment disposition reflects a hospital’s ethical and social responsibility. By utilizing MSt & Associates, hospitals demonstrate their commitment to environmental sustainability and responsible waste management. They contribute to reducing the environmental impact of healthcare operations by promoting recycling and appropriate disposal practices.
  6. Reputation Enhancement:  Hospitals that prioritize responsible equipment disposition can enhance their reputation among patients, staff, and the community. Demonstrating a commitment to proper disposal practices and environmental stewardship can improve public perception and trust in the hospital’s dedication to ethical and sustainable practices.
  7. Focus and Core Competencies:  Disposing of equipment can be a time-consuming and complex process. Engaging equipment disposition services allows hospitals to focus on their core competencies, such as patient care and healthcare delivery. By outsourcing the disposal process, hospitals can save time and resources, enabling them to allocate their efforts towards providing quality healthcare services.

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